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Crystal Hologram | Wine Stopper


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Type your custom Laser Engraved Message

Please Limit message to thirty characters per line, 3 lines max. Separate each line with Line#, hyphen and a coma ","

Example:  Line 1- Name of person, place, or moment, Line2 - Date of special moment, Line 3 - Your thoughts or a compliment

You may also list engraving and other instructions such as keep background rush / priority processing & shipping or other requests via special instructions at check out and someone will contact you if needed to complete your request.

Upload your favorite photo

Perfect for:

Giving yourself something special

Anniversary gifts for your loved one

Birthday or celebration gifts for friends and family

The more the merrier

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All crystal orders are shipped in all black gift packaging.


The products are shipped via a third party company, with times that vary due to order volume.

We would currently allow up to 2 weeks for your order to arrive just to be safe, though it could take much less time!

If you need the crystal immediately than the estimated time, please upgrade shipping in the cart, call or email us for faster options. 


Due to all orders being a personalized order. We do not do returns and all sales are final. If an issue has occurs with your order we will resolve it on a case by case basis

We want you to have the best experience when shopping online with us, so if for whatever reason you’re not happy with your purchase, please let us know via:

Stylish Bottle Stopper. Premium Quality.
Any Picture Any Logo, lasered with precision and added 3D effect.

Available Shapes: Octagon and Rectangle 

1. Select your favorite shape.
2. Load your picture for design.
3. Add to cart and complete check out.
We will take care of the rest.
Your picture will be custom designed based on your selection and delivered to your door. Flexible delivery and fulfillment options available at checkout.
 Size Weight
1.8"x1.9"x1” 0.5 Lbs.
1-4 Faces Max

Create the perfect gift made out of this Premium Crystal Wine Stopper for Wedding, Party Favors, and any occasion. It comes in a nice gift box, ready to be wrapped! Surprise any wine lover with this Wine Corks solution. A rubber washer seals the bottle perfectly for a re-use over a short-term storage and the universal cone shape of this magnificent
piece can accommodate most standard sized bottles.

In addition to the exquisite quality of this stylish bottle stopper, it also comes with a complimentary padded gift box for an elegant presentation. Cheers!

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